在近三十年的律师工作实践中,承办了几千起有重大影响的经济、民商、涉外、房地产、婚姻、企业破产清算、债务重组、金融、刑事等各类案件。担当过数百家企、事业单位的法律顾问。专长是善于办理疑难复杂的重大案件;有能力使许多案件在没有胜诉希望或已经败诉的情况下转败为胜;也能使不少错综复杂、查证困难、难于定性的案件找到最佳的解决办法,也被邀作为专家参与许多重大疑难案件的研讨并能力排众议使自己的观点能到认可。为企业担任法律顾问能提供非常有价值而且操作性强的法律意见,及时、有效地为企业排忧解难,为当事人挽回过上亿元的经济损失。办理刑事案件经其辩护改变定性或无罪释放的在其承办的案件中占相当的比例。 多年来,刘芳律师受到社会各界的信赖与尊重。许多客户甚至外国客户都前来请她办案。十多家全国重要新闻媒体都曾登载过介绍刘芳律师办案事绩的长篇报告文学如《女律师传奇》、《雄辩,女律师本色》、《一辩黄河清》、《红尘有爱》等。她也经常受邀担任一些大型报刊的特邀撰稿人,撰写卓有见地的法律方面的文章,并经常在电视台作为特邀嘉宾解答法律问题、发表建设性意见且受到关注。 刘芳律师还结合自己的办案实践,撰写了大量有现实指导意义的论文和文章。她根据自己所承办的案例写成的多集电视小品,形象生动地描述了当前经济纠纷的成因和如何避免。这些电视小品曾在省电视台展播,并在中央电视台获奖。
办公地址:深圳市福田中心区金中环大厦42楼(4205) 电 话:0755-82805172、13714677448 传 真:0755-82805158 邮 编:518048 E-mail: xingkaihu123@yahoo.com.cn 网站:www.liufangls.com / www.lfls.cn
The senior lawyer, Ms. Liu Fang is from Harbin, the capital city in northeast of China. She’s been a lawyer for more than 20-year with prolific experiences and ever been a journalist, the director in a lawyer’s office and the arbitrator in the arbitration committee etc., During practical cases for more than twenty years, Ms. Liu has been undertaking many various significant law cases, such as economic and civil case, the foreign affairs, the real estate case, the accounts settlement arose by bankrupt, liability regroup case, the financial dispute and criminal cases etc., She is also acting as legal consultant for many enterprises and institutes and good at dealing with difficult and intricate cases. Lawyer Liu is competent to turn the tables for a losing lawsuit or a potentially losing law case; She can help you to find out the optional solutions for the case that is intricate, or difficult to investigate or hard to decide its nature. Ms.Liu has ever been invited to enter into many important and difficult cases as being an expert, she is competent to prevail over all dissenting views on a purpose of making her own opinion get approved. She gained a lot of valuable and practical legal views for being as a consultant, therefore she can settle trouble for the enterprise promptly and efficiently. Lawyer Liu has profound accomplishments and professional knowledge, she dealt with plentiful important and difficult cases, the economic loses of more than hundred million for the involving parties, she is competent to change the determination nature for a case and impeccable release through her justification by handling the criminal cases. Such kind of cases hold certain portion in the justification cases. Her characteristics: acuity, declamation, preciseness, she is good at finding the problem that rarely seen from investigating the remote suspending problem, and unclose the new thoughtway to make the case get succeed surprisingly. She won the first award while participating the lecture competition; Ms. Liu has encyclopedic knowledge, the outstanding speechcraft, strong competence for meeting an emergency and the sincerely responsible spirit for treating the parties. She deserves the respect and trust from the society. The reportages which introduce Ms.Liu’s achievements, such as “the Lawyeress Legend”, “Declamation, the Outstanding Lawyeress”, “A Strong Declamation”, “Love in land”, “A Brave Lawyeress”, “Ms.Liufang, Sincerely Tastes Life” etc., were ever published on more than ten important press medium in China. She is often acting as the special invited writer for the important press to write the insighted article concerns about legal case, and is invited to answer the lawsuit trouble and utter her own constructional opinions on TV program. The lawyer Liu was ever the radiobroadcaster, the journalist and the director of newsroom. Oratorical speechcraft, the sharp mind and the excellent type of writing make her become the outstanding and qualified lawyer additionally with more than 20-year experience. Office Add: 7/F B/Block, Guangdong Oriental Fortune Plaza, Shenan Blvd, Futian District, Shenzhen. Senior lawyer, partner Mobile phone: 13714677448、 Fax: 82805158 P.O.: 5180408 website:www.liufangls.com / www.lfls.cn